Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Resist The Devil! -Part I

James 1:7 and 1 Peter 5:9 both instruct us to resist the devil whose only purpose is to steal, kill and destroy(John 10:10)! We must not forget to use our spiritual weapons and authority against the enemy and his works(Luke 10:17-19; 2nd Corinthians 10:3). It is only through constantly taking authority, and resisting him that he will finally flee! Then you would have learned how to work in dominion over him.

We resist him with the word of God,our own words, the blood of Jesus, the name of Jesus, prayers, and  living in righteousness and holines.
  1. Jesus used the word of God to resist the devil in Mathew 4:1-11.Remember the popular "it is written"!
  2. The Bible says that life and death are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21).In Mark 11: 12 -14,19-23; Jesus spoke to the fig tree and it died! This is the same authority we have, and must use against the enemy, his cohorts or agents, and their works in the name of Jesus. In Mathew 8:23-27, Jesus rebuked the winds and the storms, and there was a great calm! In 1 Samuel 17:43-47, David spoke back to Goliath! He did not keep queit! Wrestlers in WWF for instance, boast of how they'll destroy their opponents. Child of God, DON'T KEEP QUEIT! Speak the word of God to the devil, to situations, needs, even in family situations like strife, contention or disharmony between you and your spouse or children, etc. Take authority!You cannot afford to keep mute when the enemy is assailing your mind(or even in the physical) with words and images of failure and defeat, otherwise he will cause you to faint and be defeated already in your mind! YOU MUST SPEAK WHAT YOU WANT IN A GIVEN SITUATION, NOT WHAT "THEY", YOUR ENEMIES, WANT! AND GOD WILL BACK UP YOUR OWN WORDS OF FAITH AND CONFIDENT TRUST IN HIM AND HIS WORD OF PROMISE. This you must do until victory is won! Until you have the victory, not the devil and his agents. And maintain your "NO" to the devilat all time! Brother Norvel Hayes said, "the greatest word you can say to the devil is NO!" Jesus Christ, the one with all power in hevan and earth, is LORD!

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